Download: ver. 0.950
Release log:
19.03.2023 – Transliter 0.950 is ready for download.
- New function F4: By selecting a text and hitting the F4 button, you can translate the whole selected text now. Only russian language is now possible. Other languages coming soon.
- Bug fixing: If a supported game is running, the game mode is activated and the game was minimized and the text was entered in other programs, there were problems with entering in those programs.
02.08.2020 – Transliter 0.940 is ready for download.
- New function: Clicking the status picture now switches transliter "on/off". Tray menu also received the entry "on/off"
- New function: Game mode has been integrated and is finally working with World of Tanks, World of Warcraft and Starcraft 2. - It was a lot of work with World of Tanks
21.02.2019 – Transliter 0.930 is ready for download.
- New function: The automatic update feature of Transliter has been integrated.
- In the Russian language, the keyboard shortcuts "a+e" were removed for the letter "э"
01.12.2018 – Transliter 0.920 is ready for download.
- Bug fixing: The UTF8 Server messages are now displayed correctly.
- Bug fixing: In the welcome message, a small bug has been fixed that showed the message twice in succession. This is now displayed only once (double function call)
- Bug fixing: Bug in the Belarusian language eliminated where the letter Ў and ў did not work
- The additional dll file for the Transliter program has been now integrated into Transliter's exe file, so you have only one exe file now.
- New function: Implementation of a keyboard layout recognition for the following languages: German (Germany)
German (Austria)
German (Switzerland)
English (United States)
English (Australia)
English (Belize)
English (Canada)
English (India)
English (Ireland)
English (Jamaica)
English (United Kingdom)
English (Caribbean)
French (France)
Spanish (Spain)
Italian (Italy)
17.11.2018 – Transliter 0.910 is ready for download.
- New function: In Transliter a login system was installed. This is a preparation for the sale of the licenses for Transliter. You may use the program for free (until it is in beta).
- Bug fixing: Crashes of the program when starting in case of a missing internet connection have been fixed
28.09.2018 – Transliter 0.904 is ready for download.
- Bug fixing: few big bugs in the Armenian language (works fine new)
- New function: Added: Greek, Lithuanian, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Armenian, Belarusian, Georgian, Tajik keyboard layouts in the options menu
- New function: Added a function to disable Tooltips in the options menu
13.09.2018 – Transliter 0.903 is ready for download.
- New languages: Georgian and Tajik
- New function: Added Function to start the program at Windows startup.
- New function: Russian keyboard layout in the options menu. (The others: coming soon)
05.09.2018 – Transliter 0.902 is ready for download.
- New languages: Armenian and Belarusian
- Bug fixing: Fixed some bugs
12.08.2018 – Transliter 0.901 is ready for download.
- New languages: Greek, Lithuanian, Hebrew and Ukrainian
03.06.2018 – Transliter 0.900 is ready for download.
- Transliter is now in public beta. Only the Russian language is available. Others are under development.